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Maria Scuor

When the “BAG” says it all…

Yesterday I went into the TELUS building to collect my personal belongs. Not having been there since COVID hit I didn’t know if I would even find my things. But everything was where I left it and the office was almost the same but deserted. Other than one person, the place was a ghost-town.

It’s amazing when I reflect on my career how much being in the office, if even one day a week, was great for our human connection. Yes we have amazing technology that allows us to stay connected but it isn’t the same as when you are around the water-cooler or coffee machine and seeing the visual cues your peer is showing. Not going to lie, I missed it a lot.

As I went through my desk and put the family photos, cups and personal items into my bag, I reminisced about the people that came in and out of my TELUS life. So many impacted me in many ways. I was blessed to have had them in my life. If you haven’t guessed it yet. Today is my last day at TELUS. I am retiring after 26 years and I couldn’t be more proud of the company I worked for. It gave Gianni and me an incredible career and Angela and Steven will continue our legacy.

This week has been filled with mixed emotions, mostly great. But lots of tears have been shed remembering all the great memories. I will truly miss the monthly pancake breakfasts I did for the team (yes the griddle went into the bag and I found some Mexican vanilla (WIN)). I will miss the constant learning. Never did I think in 26 years I’d have 17 different roles, all which pushed me to learn more and grow as a leader and person.

I’ve been blessed to have incredible leaders that believed in me and allowed me to shine in everything I did and for that I’m grateful. But mostly I’m grateful for the last four years where I was able to take wellness to the next level and I leave a legacy that I’m extremely proud of. To have an organization put wellness first and allow me the autonomy to provide health and wellness too many people has been the highlight of my career. And I’m grateful for the leader that allowed me to do this. The messages today from team members on how I impacted their life has been heartwarming and crying tears of happiness has been therapeutic.

Today I leave TELUS with my head up high knowing that I start my next journey in life living life to the fullest and enjoying time with my beautiful family, my amazing friends and yes Gianni who together, we will now start our new journey.

This blog will continue to be my communication ground for everything wellness and recipes and I hope you continue to follow me.

When I went to the office I took a big bag out of the closet that I never used and not until I filled it did I realize what it said on it! So yes the bag says it all and truly appropriate for today…..

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