For the past three months I've been sharing "The Six Dimensions of Wellness" developed by Dr. Bill Hettler co-founder of the National Wellness Institute, with my TELUS teams. I've researched and provided activities to explore so team members understand there are many dimensions of wellness and tapping into each of them make us whole.
Today I'm going to share an experience that has rocked my world because the universe has taken my spiritual wheel. Spiritual dimension recognizes:
Be curious about the world around you and the life experiences you go through by being mindful of the moment you are living in. Be fully present.
Make time for personal reflection, caring for yourself both mind and body, and define your personal values. Spend time alone doing yoga, walking in nature or meditation
Actively care for the welfare of others, especially in this time of COVID, hone in on your values and beliefs and make the effort to help anyone around you. Volunteer where you can.
Always behave in a way that aligns to your core values and beliefs.
Ponder the meaning of life for yourself and be tolerant of the beliefs of others then to close our minds and become intolerant
Listen to your heart and live by your principles
Allow yourself and those around you the freedom to be who they are
See challenges life give you as an opportunity to grow
If you are religious, find faith in your community and participate using the COVID protocols in place
A little history....My dad died of Alzheimer's in June 2016 and my mother is currently in a home because she has dementia. Long story very short, I embarked on a wellness journey to figure out how to beat the odds of getting Alzheimer's or dementia in my 60s like my parents. This journey has brought me to walking, hiking, living in the present, valuing the mindful moments, never regretting what life has to offer, cooking up a storm and finding a way to give back. Giving back so I can make a difference! Well that came by putting my passion for food on paper. I've created "Cooking the Mindful Way - A Tribute to Alzheimer's" cookbook that I will proudly launch on May 3rd. I've taken this past week off to set up all the social media as well as the TELUS internal website where employees can donate and TELUS matches what we donate. I'm ready for launch day!
So you ask why does this rock my world? For a couple of months mom has been struggling with her breathing. We could hear her wheeze, but the doctor couldn't find anything wrong. Her blood and oxygen levels are very good. Her heart is very good but yet we are seeing her fade away, not just mind but body too. The doctor asked if I would take her in for an X-ray and thankfully with COVID restrictions lifting within the care homes I was able to do that. I'm able to hug and kiss her (with a mask) but touching her after a year is a great feeling.
Gianni and I drove her to get her X-ray on Monday and that was a very hard thing for me to do. I had to almost carry her to the clinic and when she had to have her X-ray I had to be with her and hold her until they were done. Mom was so weak she could hardly walk. When I was putting her clothes back on she stopped me and with tears in her eyes and more lucidity that I've seen in a long time she said "I pray every day that I die, I don't want to be here anymore." She then took her gold chain with my dad's wedding band which she had sized to fit her, and gave it to me. She said "wear this and have daddy and me next to your heart as I won't be here long." We cried and hugged. Thankful for the moment of being able to do that.
On Thursday, I got the call from the doctor and he explained mom's breathing restrictions is due to a massive tumor in her lungs. Based on what they see it is cancerous, but couldn't tell me more unless we do more tests. With mom being so weak there is no reason why we need to put her through more. Plus that isn't her wish. I hung up with the doctor and called my brother. I completely collapsed. I couldn't believe that my mom who never smoked would have lung cancer on top of the horrible dementia which has already taken her away from us. Well now comes the piece about the universe.
Just after that call I get an email from a team member at TELUS who donated to get a hard copy of my cookbook. This wasn't supposed to launch until May 3rd but here I was getting my first donation for a hard copy. I called her immediately and asked how she donated. She told me she read my story on the TELUS site and had to donate as my story touched her and she loves to cook. I told her I still don't have the books as they are to arrive the week of the third and explained what I had just gone through with finding out about mom's cancer. We both cried and had an incredible moment that this is meant to be.
I was second guessing myself when I purchased 100 books. Would people donate $100 to get a hard copy book? And sure enough the powers of the universe and my spiritual beings have shown me that putting together this book will help us raise monies for this horrible disease. It also reassured my core values align to everything I'm doing.
Mindful moments come in many ways, today the universe and my spiritual angels reminded me they have taken my wheel.
Be well everyone and find your mindful moments in everything you do. I spent yesterday morning with mom and I read her the proof of my book. I asked her to sign it for me with "Ti Amo, Mamma" (I Love you, Mommy). This is what she wrote without me telling her how to. My heart is full.
