Mayo Clinic has documented a combination of the DASH and Mediterranean diets can preserve brain health in the long run. They have dubbed it the MIND Diet short for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay. Observational studies suggest the diet can reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s by 53% as well as slow cognitive decline and improve verbal memory. You can read more about this on the Mayo Clinic website.
The MIND Diet should not be considered a diet, but more a way of life. Studies show that a person following most of these rules have higher cognitive scores over time versus those with lower adherence:
Eat at least three servings of whole grains per day
Enjoy green, leafy vegetables (such as salad) at least six times a week
Add other vegetables at least once a day
Eat berries at least twice a week
Consume red meat less than four times a week
Have fish at least once a week
Eat poultry at least twice a week
Add beans to your meals more than three times a week
Enjoy nuts at least five times a week
Consume fried or fast food less than once a week
Use olive oil as your primary oil
Consume less than a tablespoon of butter or margarine a day
Eat less than a serving of cheese a week (Note: results published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s in November 2020 shows consuming cheese was most likely to prevent cognitive decline)
Consume less than five pastries or sweets a week
Enjoy one glass of wine a day
