Based on the World Health Organization there are more than 55 million people living with a form of dementia on planet earth, with nearly ten million new cases every year. Of these, Alzheimer’s accounts for 60 – 70% of the cases. Dementia is currently the seventh leading cause of death among all diseases and one of the major causes of deaths among older people globally.
Dementia not only has physical, psychological, social and economic impacts for people living with it, but truly impacts family members, care givers and society as a whole. This is why it is so important to understand the signs of Dementia and Alzheimer’s.
Dementia results from a variety of injuries or diseases that impact the brain, such as stroke or Alzheimer’ disease. It is a syndrome that is usually progressive or chronic in nature. It leads to deterioration of cognitive function (ability to process thought), beyond the aging process. It can affect memory, thinking, orientation, comprehension, learning capacity, language, judgement, calculation and is usually accompanied with changes in mood, emotional control, behaviour or motivation.
Both my parents died of Dementia and Alzheimer’s. This past week my aunt who suffered with sever Alzheimer’s for many years also succumbed to the disease and now she and the family are at peace. Therefore, I thought I’d add this blog to my Alzheimer’s and Everything Wellness page, to refresh us on how important it is to know the signs.
Dementia affects every person differently and there are warning signs that if you notice them, shouldn’t be ignored. It is time to schedule an appointment with the doctor. The importance of catching this early is so important as there are new medications to help slow the process down, and with more and more studies, possibly extend our loved one’s well-being. Here are some of the signs to look for.
In the early stages, the most common sign is forgetting recently learned events. Such as the date, what was eaten for breakfast, asking the same question over and over, and an increased need to have sticky notes or electronic devices as memory aids. Therefore, watch for symptoms that show memory loss that disrupts daily life.
Some may have a hard time problem solving or following a plan, such as paying bills or following a recipe. They may have trouble concentrating and taking longer to do things.
You may see signs that your loved one is having trouble completing familiar tasks they do every day. Such as turning on the TV or using the microwave. They might even start not knowing how to get home when walking or driving. This could lead to confusion of time or place. Not knowing how they got there or know what date or time it is. Thinking it is summer, yet it is freezing outside.
Some may have trouble understanding visual images, trouble reading or balance issues. Which cold lead to problems judging distance, colours or contrast.
People with Alzheimer’s may have trouble with words. Both in the spoken and written language. You may find you are having a conversation and they stop mid-sentence and forget what they were talking about and have no idea how to continue. They may have struggle finding the right vocabulary or right word. Such as saying that thing you write with instead of stating pencil.
You may find your love one reverting to their mother tongue and forgetting the English language.
As the disease progresses you may find they can’t remember where they placed something. They may even get very agitated and blame you for taking their item.
Seeing signs of poor decision making, such as purchasing ten pairs of the same pants or not knowing how to keep themselves groomed can mean the disease is progressing.
As the person living with Alzheimer’s experiences changes in following conversations, they may withdraw from everyday activities such as social gatherings, hobbies or watching their favourite team. Maybe even withdraw from family as they may not recognize the more distant members.
Something I noticed in both dad and mom when they were in the later phase of dementia and Alzheimer’s was the mood swings and change in personality. Dad for instance became violent, which he had never had and mom became confused, mean and suspicious. Something that is very hard for the family to watch.
Read more about the Stages of Alzheimer’s.

If you would like to learn a lot more about Dementia and Alzheimer’s, check out my blog on Everything Alzheimer’s. And if you want to contribute to an amazing cause and receive my “Cooking the Mindful Way – A Tribute to Alzheimer’s” cookbook please follow instructions on the blog page. Every donation will allow the Alzheimer’s organization to further research and support this horrible disease and hopefully we can kick its ASS!
My husband first experienced confusion and loss of memory in March of 2000 while undergoing rehab for alcoholism. Being home seemed to help him until 2006 when he gradually began experiencing Alzheimer’s symptoms. He had four to five hours a day where he wants to get a "greyhound" to "go home." Also, he thinks I am his sister and believes he has rented a car (he hasn't driven in five to 10 years). His personal hygiene was in the tank — it was necessary for him to change two to three times a day. Without long-term insurance for his care, it was becoming stressful to care from him. this year our family doctor introduced and started him on Healthherbsclinic Alzheimer’…