It is so important to have the right kitchen appliances and believe it or not each has its own unique reason they exist. Sometimes using something else instead of the right tool make cooking or baking just so much harder. I learned that when trying to puree soup in the wrong blender.
Kitchen Appliances

Crockpot or Slow Cooker
Crockpots are especially helpful for busy chefs because you can prepare a meal before leaving the house for the day and have it done by the time you get home. Crock pots allow food to simmer all day or night to provide your family with a delicious, home-cooked meal

Deep Fryer
Deep fryers generally have a basket to lower the food into the oil tank and raise it when the food has finished cooking.

Electric Skillet
Electric skillets are mainly designed for pan-frying and sautéing as they offer precise heating and temperature gauges. They also brown meat nicely, deep fry foods, and serve as a griddle for morning favorites.

Food Processor
A food processor typically requires little to no liquid during use, unlike a blender, which requires a set amount of liquid in order for the blade to properly blend the food. Food processors are used to blend, chop, dice, and slice, allowing for quicker meal preparation

Immersion and Counter Blenders
An immersion blender can blend smaller amounts of food than a regular sized counter blender. Both are great for blending soups, sauces and juices.

Indoor Grill Press
If you love grilling and like the convenience of being able to cook that way all year round, we think an indoor grill is worth it.

Mini Processor
Mini food processors are useful in any kitchen because they produce even results without the elbow grease of chopping by hand and they don't require any knife skills or knowledge of how to sharpen a knife for tasks like chopping vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts and cheeses, prepping homemade baby food, or making small amounts

Raclette is a type of cheese from Switzerland that is prepared with vegetables on a special grill. The grill heats multiple small pans in which guests melt the raclette with vegetables and other toppings of their choice. All the host needs to do is supply the equipment and prepped cheese and toppings

Rice Cooker
Rice cookers help you make perfect rice every time with the push of a single button

Stand and Hand Mixer
The stand mixer comes with a paddle, whisk and dough hook. It is a workhorse and used for your heavier jobs. Use a handheld mixer for smaller jobs.