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Houston Trail

Maria Scuor

Houston Trail loop is located in Derby Reach Regional Park in Langley, British Columbia. This is considered an easy trail and truly is as there is only a 59m elevation gain. I went with my grandson Brody but because we are currently in lockdown he didn't touch me and we stayed apart throughout the hike. When I parked we saw everyone going across the street which there was a trailhead. Of course I didn't read the info regarding the trail and we just

started walking. I was recording the walk on All Trails App but because it was cold I had the phone put away so I couldn't feel or hear that we were off the trail. We walked close to the river and read about the Sto:lo Nation and their challenges on the river. We also saw many trees that were planted almost two hundred years ago. When I realized we had walked on the wrong trail we were 15 minutes into our walk. We back tracked and found the entrance on the other side of the parking lot. Once again I walked at Brody's pace looking at things that excited him. Such as the moss mania trees (Brody called them this because of the moss all over the place). We came across a lady riding a horse named Caleb and Brody learned that the horse had a winter coat. This was the extra hair the horse grows to protect him from the cold. Brody said this was a five star hike because he was able to "chillax" while hiking. It was a spectacular day where it was chilly and sunny and the rain held off until I drove Brody home. We walked a total of 6.5 km which we completed in 1 hour and 36 minutes. For more information about this trail follow link


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