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Canada Day - Time to Reflect

Maria Scuor


Today's mindful moment....

As I write this I can hardly see the screen through the tears running down my face. I’ve been contemplating sending Canada Day wishes ever since they found the first bodies of the children in BC. I’m going to refer to these children as “babes” as that is what they are. They didn’t have a chance to become children who turned into teens and lived their lives as adults. So this morning I decided to release the pain in my heart by sharing with all of you not the history of Canada day but what Canada means to me.

This Canada day is tugging at my heart strings like no other Canada day. The over 1500 babes found these past few weeks has given me a lot to think about, as it should to all Canadians. For me the next few days is about taking time to reflect and gain some knowledge on what has transpired and was never taught in school.

My reflection starts with when I came to Canada in 1968. My brother and I were born in France of Italian parents and their dream was to make a better life for us in Canada. And a better life we’ve had! I recognize it every time I go back to visit family and friends in France and Italy. In 1978 my family and I became Canadian Citizens. I couldn’t of been more proud of what I saw when we stood in the massive hall with hundreds of others swearing their allegiance and to uphold the law.

The room was full of men, women and children of many different cultures. At the age of 15, it was the one thing that stood out to me. People of multicultural had become Canadian and once the oath was taken everyone had big smiles and were congratulating each other. We had all become one culture, Canadian. Knowing we would protect it but more importantly Canada would protect us from whatever brought us here.

Living in this country the past few weeks has been gut wrenching. Finding those babes within our country has been turmoil for all people living in Canada and beyond our borsets. We don’t know the history of many years ago we only know what we’ve been taught. Those babes had no opportunity to grow in a country that was supposed to take care of them, we didn’t know about the babes until a couple of weeks ago and they had no voice. Now is the time for all of us in Canada to stand as one, on this Canada day, and reflect on what’s important.

Every human life matters, every child matters, and we are in a country that allows us every opportunity we want or need. Therefore it is time to reconcile this and we need to make sure it never happens again because every babe is worth it.

May you have a wonderful Canada day and take time to reflect on what this country is to you and your family and most of all reflect on what our Canadian true ancestors have had to endure. Pray for those babes and others that have yet to be found, that they are at peace. And let’s make sure they now have a voice.

Thank you for being my audience so I could share the pain inside me. It does truly help to get it out. Know I’m here for anyone that just needs a listening ear.

Be Well!


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