Be Calm Be Kind Be Safe = Be Well
For those living in British Columbia there is a love hate relationship with Dr. Bonnie Henry who from the start of the pandemic asked everyone to Be Calm, Be Kind and Be Safe. We saw her cry when death toll went up, we saw her get upset when people were gathering when they shouldn’t and we saw her stand her ground when the NHL wanted to come to Vancouver and they didn’t want to follow the strict guidelines. Ten months later, I wouldn’t want to be in her Fluevog shoes. Her shoulders have had to bear a lot of weight to keep BC people as safe as possible from the COVID 19 virus. Sometimes she has had to implement measures that have infuriated people all in the name of saving others. For me I’m totally behind whatever she decides to do. I have a mother in a care home that not once but now a second time has gone into lock down measures due to a staff member bringing the virus in. And each time I get the call or email it guts me while I wait on pins and needles if mom will be one of the COVID statistics. 2020 was a year like no other. Everyone keeps saying that. I do too! But as humanity there have been other times where lives were lost due to viruses such as Small Pox, Cholera, Yellow Fever, Polio, Measles and so on. As a humanity scientists of all nations got together and came up with vaccines that eventually helped us get through the worst and keep us vaccinated to this day. The vaccine for COVID is now being administered worldwide. I see many on social media saying they won’t take it while others are saying hurry up I want it. It is surreal how we can have so many opinions on something that will save lives as did other vaccines that preceded this one. My mindful moment came today when I got the call that mom is isolated in her room for 14 days. I’ve already started to lose her because the dementia has taken so much away from the person she was. But to know that she is once again alone and we can’t do our visits saddens me and I for one can’t wait until she gets the vaccine. For us that have elders or someone that has a compromised immune system the wait is tough to handle. Therefore Be Calm, Be Kind and Be Safe is truly something I’m resonating to more and more because they are required components for us to Be Well. 2021 for me will be to continue my wellness journey so that I am of good mind and body to withstand everything that will hit me. Life is about how we handle situations that come at us. Will it be a lesson we learn and grow from or will we let it destroy us. I believe we are on this planet to learn as much as we can and therefore I say bring it on. I’m never too old to learn new things! Be well everyone!
