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Maria Scuor

A Rainbow Isn't Just a Rainbow

As I’m working from the cabin my power walk was amongst the beauty of the valley. However today it is pouring rain, windy and foggy in the distance. So I geared up to be warm and dry during my walk. To my surprise the sun popped out and gave me a beautiful rainbow amidst the mountains and fog.

Rainbows give me an instant smile because I remember a conversation I had with my daddy when I was about 8 years old. I asked him what a rainbow was in Italian (which to dad was our Calabrese dialect) and he said arcobalena. I said to him but daddy a balena is a whale not a bow, and he said many years ago when the first rainbow was seen in Calabria everyone thought the arco (arch) was a whale of a beauty therefore called it arcobalena.

To this day I don’t question his version of why a rainbow is called an arcobalena. I just know that it puts an upside down whale of an arch smile on my face when I recall him telling me this story and know my daddy is sending me his smile from above. Find your reason to smile even in the downpour. Be well everyone!

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