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A Day in the Life of Retired Maria

Having worked since I was 12 years old I was worried about letting go of work life, however I can honestly say I've adjusted really well to retired life and when people say they don't know why they waited so long to do it, I now get it! Not having to worry about being on for the work day has been great. We are so good at showing our strong sides when working, even though we are hurting real bad, be it physically or mentally. That facade goes away when you retire you can be your true self once an for all.

Therefore just doing me this week has been amazing. So what does my day look like? Here is what this week has been:

  • Up at 6 AM used to be 4 AM

  • Start my morning with 3 km indoor walk while watching the news

  • If I created a new recipe the night before I create the draft in my website

  • Have coffee and read for 1 to 2 hours

  • Laundry and cleaning if required

  • Shopping if required - been busy getting ready for party

  • Going for a 3 km walk whenever I want

  • Babysit the grandkids as needed - makes it for a great day

  • Make and eat dinner

  • Create recipes on paper - try to have 20+ on the go

  • Watching our favourite shows with Gianni and playing some of my games to keep my mind smart

  • At about 10 PM take my CBD/THC oil, yes weed. I will blog about how my first week on medicinal cannabis went next week

  • Go to bed by 11 o’clock

Oh I'm sure I missed some things, like another couple of coffees, a glass of wine, bothering Gianni and much more. But you get the just of it! Live is grand at retirement because it is about doing you when and how you want.

Things are finally opening up with travel restrictions and we are already booking trips. First a visit to Palm Springs then hopefully Italy soon after. Dreaming about Mexico and Vegas too. Beautiful thing is I don't have to worry about how much vacation I have left!

I'm so excited to keep blogging about amazing food you can easily make, mindful moments that get you thinking about you, providing health information to keep us focused on well-being, and whatever else I can throw at you. Keep following my journey as it has just begun. It's about living life well always as we only have one to live.

Big hug to all of you in virtual land.


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